OSCOR Spectrum Analyzers

RF Detection & Analysis

The OSCOR Blue is a fully portable, digital spectrum analyzer integrated with antennas and analysis software. The OSCOR Blue offers an impressive sweep speed and features suitable for detecting unknown transmitters or hidden, usually illegal, hostile, or anomalous signals across a wide range of frequencies.

Sweep & Operational Speed

OSCOR Blue can sweep from 50 kHz to 24 GHz in just one (1) second in 12.2 kHz steps. Fast sweep speed, and integrated antennas and software makes OSCOR Blue easy to use and deploy, optimizing total operational speed.


  • Site investigations for communication systems (Torres cell phones, microwave links, etc.)
  • RF emissions analysis
  • Wireless service installers and providers
  • Communication channel evaluation
  • Investigate the misuse and congestion of the RF spectrum
  • Security surveys and detection of espionage

Estamos a su disposicion para escuchar y resolver sus reuerimientos